Sam Bankman Fried Vs. The United State Of America
Sam Bankman Fried Vs. The United State Of America. SBF as sam bankman fried is known plea is not guilty of his Charges. SbF says he is not guilty to his eight charges. If you do not know specifically what the charges are read here. It is safe to say Sbf will spend at least 20 years behind bars. Or maybe he has a good lawyer?
Next, If his lawyers get him off this he will or they will go down in the lawyer hall of fame. They will go down as one of the best lawyers in history. However, it is to the open eyes he gains benefits and stole people’s money. With our research, SBF really thinks he is innocent. There comes a point when you have to stop believing your lies. He will know that going against the united state will be the biggest mistake of his existence. He thinks this is a joke and the united states of America Attorney will not be playing. We do think he will take a plea since about 90% of defendant takes deals rather than go to trial.
The stats of going to trial and beating U.S. is not good at all. They have a 95% conviction rate. 95%.
Sam Bankman Fried Lawyer

He has a lawyer that wants all that SBF FTX fund for sure. Mark Cohen SBF lawyer probably advise him to take the plea deal. SBF is about learning the hard way. This is not a joke and really needs to stop. Pay back all those people their money.
Anyways, on January 3 2023 SBF pleaded not guilty and disrespecting the court system. Sbf is about to be made an example just like Do Kwon will be when he slips up. Stay safe and invest wisely. Let’s see what the year holds for 2023 with FTX. We are not sure how sam bankman fried can dupe so many people out of billions. It seems like it was an insider job since sam bankman fried parents are lawyers so they have connections.

In conclusion, sam bankman fried should finally drop those and become a man. He will get less time and sympathy from people if he just acts human. However, he will find out this isn’t a joke. Playing with people’s money, especially the people you are going against in court will add to the fuel. The United States seems undefeated so it would be silly to go against them. They won 2/3 of all their case since 1990. The tough task here. However, the prosecutor rate is about 95% conviction rate so they are going to be coming for SBF. Less than 5% beat the cases like this. Sbf needs to think 100 times about this. Finally, we do not think this is a wise decision and he will probably take a deal soon. If you want to read more then check this article.
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